This is an Adventure.
This monday I will be boarding a plane to the UK. This trip has caused me so much stress the past few weeks. I've been working alot to secure myself financially, and I've come to the conclusion that I hate serving. Not really, I'm just burnt out. I only have three days left of server hell, then I don't have to work for the money til Christmas. Now that I am pretty much packed, and have almost all of my business here taken care of, I am nothing but excited.
Monday I fly to London, two days later we go to Paris for a super quick trip. From there its on to Amsterdam, then back to Paris, then back to London to start school on the 5th. Oktoberfest starts the 15th, so hopefully we'll make it to Munich for a weekend. I have two good friends studying in Florence, so a weekend will be spent with them, and then on to Rome. We also have pretty solid plans for Dublin and Madrid as well. With school I'm doing a ten day jaunt to Prague, which is super stoked worthy. In between all of this I have school tuesday thru thursday from 9-2, then all day fridays. The friday class consists of mostly field trips to Bath, Stonehenge, Oxford, Parliment, etc. Eight weeks into the semester my classes end and I start my internship.
My dorm is in Kensington, by Hyde Park. This is the really upscale part of town. I plan on jogging with Madonna, Sean Connery, and Posh and Becks on a regular basis.
The timing of this trip works out very well for me also in that I return to the U.S. on the 17th of December, and a very short five days later I turn 21. So as of Monday, my days of being underage are over. I also will be leaving the OC on Virgin Atlantic Airlines, which is exciting in itself.
I have pretty much convinced myself that my cats are going to die while I'm gone. They are my biggest concern regarding this whole excursion. I'm hoping that they will keep on kicking in anticipation of the souveners I'll be bringing them back...I'm thinking tiny little berets.
Monday I fly to London, two days later we go to Paris for a super quick trip. From there its on to Amsterdam, then back to Paris, then back to London to start school on the 5th. Oktoberfest starts the 15th, so hopefully we'll make it to Munich for a weekend. I have two good friends studying in Florence, so a weekend will be spent with them, and then on to Rome. We also have pretty solid plans for Dublin and Madrid as well. With school I'm doing a ten day jaunt to Prague, which is super stoked worthy. In between all of this I have school tuesday thru thursday from 9-2, then all day fridays. The friday class consists of mostly field trips to Bath, Stonehenge, Oxford, Parliment, etc. Eight weeks into the semester my classes end and I start my internship.
My dorm is in Kensington, by Hyde Park. This is the really upscale part of town. I plan on jogging with Madonna, Sean Connery, and Posh and Becks on a regular basis.
The timing of this trip works out very well for me also in that I return to the U.S. on the 17th of December, and a very short five days later I turn 21. So as of Monday, my days of being underage are over. I also will be leaving the OC on Virgin Atlantic Airlines, which is exciting in itself.
I have pretty much convinced myself that my cats are going to die while I'm gone. They are my biggest concern regarding this whole excursion. I'm hoping that they will keep on kicking in anticipation of the souveners I'll be bringing them back...I'm thinking tiny little berets.
At 6:41 PM, Robin David Brown said…
I put the London Date and Time up so that when friends and family read your blog they will have a sense of what time it is where you are and that will give them better bearings to imagine what you are doing at that moment.
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