articulate aristocrats

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Blah and ugh.

I can't help but feel like a failure. It seems like I've been in college for-ev-er, and that I should be done by now. I could graduate by spring, easy-peasy, but seeing as I have yet to decide as to what I want to do with my life, I'm stretching this college things out as long as possible. I have to keep reminding myself that I am ONLY 20. I can't even drink yet, and have thus not even started to have the 'college experience'. The first step, was to do London in the fall. I'm only taking 12 units, and while they'll all go towards by electives, only 6 work for my major. The one thing I'm sure of is that sociology is the perfect major for me, and I'm realizing that there is alot I can do with it. However, in keeping my first grade dreams alive, I've started the radio-tv-film program at csf. I've yet to declare a minor or double major. My fear is that if I double, then while applying for sociology related jobs, they won't take me seriously because my majors are kind of scattered, and assume that I am not focused. The bigger fear though, is that by only minoring in rtvf, I'll ruin any chance I have to actually work in that field.
To complicate things even further, I've started looking at law schools. I assumed prior that my grades weren't good enough to get me in, but when researching a few in socal, I've realized that the grade point averages for first year students at most ranged from 3.30-3.53...totally not what I expected. If I don't go that route, then I'll go to grad school for sociology. Thus, I've got myself a guaranteed four years left of educating, quite possibly more.
In conclusion, the gym holds many bizarros, and the types of bizarros differs greatly with the time of day you go. My personal favorites are the 45 year old moms that are there between 7am and 10am. They totally check you out when you get on the elliptical next to them, and they constantly check your time and distance. It's a race! I swear I'm not being paranoid, this really happens to me. They were alot of spandex too, which is greatly appreciated by no one. The later at night you go is when the real crazies come out. These are the people that go twice a day and drink a couple milk jugs of water while they're there. Think red, white, and huge. This is when I stop myself and question what I'm doing by getting to the gym at 11pm...I don't even want to know what happens there between the hours of 12 and 4.


  • At 12:39 AM, Blogger Robin David Brown said…

    I'm there between 12 and 4... sometimes between 10 and 12 as well. Tomorrow is a 12 and 4 day and an italian dinner day with YOU.


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